Thursday, May 1
6:30a.m. - 9:30a.m.
(for hotel guests only, must present coupon or room key)
7:00a.m. - 8:00a.m.
Morning Class Registration
Check in, grab your name badge, registration package and find out where your class will be located. - Ballroom Foyer

Make a Cone Puppet with Darlene Allen:
Learn how to make a cone puppet with up/down and turn around movement. Participants will have choice of
making an animal or doll puppet (please specify whether you would like an animal or a doll puppet) with selections on clothing and trims to use as well as cone choices. Skills needed are stuffing the head, sewing to the body and using glue! Hats and other accessories will be available and materials to make your own hat will be available too. Come join the fun. Pics shown of Punch and Judy are just an example. Students only need to bring small scissors, everything else will be provided. with questions.
Class limited to 15 students. (12 SPACES REMAIN)
Make a Hedgehog with Shane & Rob Elliott CANCELED
In this class you will learn how to make an adorable four-inch hedgehog that fits perfectly in
the palm of your hand. You will have a choice of four colors to choose from: either brown,
teal/blue, white, or orange [Limited Quantities ]. Make certain to specify your color choice. In the class you will cut out and hand-sew
the hedgehog. You will learn how to make a polymer-clay nose and attach it as well as inset
the eyes, stuff your creation with polyester-stuffing and steel-shot to add weight to it. Students will need to bring a pair of sharp pointed scissors; all other materials will be supplied. All students will leave the class with a finished hedgehog to show off! The artist can be contacted at with questions. Class limited to 15 students.
Lunch on your own. For a quick lunch you can grab a sandwich or salad from the hotel's market.
Afternoon Class Registration Check in, grab your name badge, registration package and find out where your class will be located.
1:00p.m. - 5:00p.m.

Make a pincushion w/moveable arms. Anatomy of the pincushion. Adding small practical
items to your sales table with Valerie Gladstone.
Learning new techniques expand your skill set. Not all customers can afford larger pieces, giving them
an option of buying small practical item gives you a new customer and a sale. The class will cover: What
is a pincushion made of? Short history of pincushions. Students will make a pincushion with a polymer
head and arms. Students will need to bring. Fabrics/trims, Sculpting tools, Sewing supplies, Polymer
clay (any brand). All other supplies with be provided.
The artist can be contacted at with questions. Class limited to 8 students. (7 SPACES REMAIN)
1:00p.m. - 5:00p.m.
- Expressive Eyes w/Michelle Lamb
If eyes are the windows to the soul, it's our goal to have our bears appear to be looking deep into your soul, eliciting an emotional
connection. Because teddy style animals don't have literal eyebrows like humans, it's the shape or outline of the eyes that has to
do all the work. This class is about creating depth and realism to your eyes through scissor-sculpting, adding eyelid surrounds and
finishing with shading for added depth. There are varying ways that the eyelids, either upper/lower or both can actually give your
creation whatever look you are going for, whether calm and gentle or curious and alert or winsome and sweet. Because this is only
a half day class you should come with eyes already firmly attached to your animal(s) so we can focus strictly on expressive shaping
and eyelids. Bring fine tipped scissors and tweezers and a long thin doll needle as well as smaller fine sewing needle. I will provide a
variety of materials such as round and flat elastic cording or leather lacing in various shades to use as eye surrounds as well as fine
thread/tacky glue/quilt pins to anchor lids while setting. Option to bring colored markers/blenders, Prismacolor Premier colored
pencils, Pan Pastels or Pitt Artist Ink Pens for shading but I will also bring supplies for all to share. As time permits I will demo tips
for creating unique glass eyes via painting or backing transparent glass with various materials as well as needle sculpting the smile/
grin to tear duct area for added expression.
The artist can be contacted at with questions. Class limited to 8 students. (6 SPACES REMAIN)
5:30p.m. - 7:00p.m.
Embassy Suites Complimentary Evening Reception.
(hotel guests must present coupon, 2 beverage limit)
Dinner on your own.
Friday, May 2
6:30a.m. -9:30a.m.
EMBASSY SUITES MADE TO ORDER BREAKFAST (for hotel guests only, must present coupon or room key)
7:30a.m. - 9:00a.m.
Convention Registration
Pick up your convention program and name badge.
8:30a.m. - 9:00a.m.
Sellers Set Up for the Market Place 8:30a.m. - 9:00a.m. Set up Artist Challenge Gallery
9:00a.m.- 10:00a.m.
Artist and Collector Market Place
The Artist and Collector Market Place is where artists and collectors can buy trims, material, furs, supplies, trinkets, do-dads or silly things for designing, creating or accessorizing your dolls and teddy bears. There are no regular size dolls and bears sold here.
Sale of Raffle Tickets for discounts at Artist Table
9:00a.m.-12:00p.m. Viewing and sale of "Under the Sea" Challenge Gallery
10:00a.m. - 11:00a.m.
Shelly Freeman - Presentation "Painting with Wool." ~ Painting with wool is where you "paint" a picture using small amounts of wool fiber by needle felting them to a surface. It is a 2D form of needle felting that allows you to create detailed images by building up layers of colors to achieve depth and dimension. I will cover the types of wool, background fabrics, how to get your image onto the fabric and the process of felting to create the image by layering, blending and texture.
10:00a.m. - 11:00a.m.
Darlene Allen - Presentation - "Creating a backdrop" ~ Learn how to create a backdrop to display your favorite doll or teddy bear to make it stand out. Come join the fun and have a chance at winning a prize!
11:00a.m.-12:00p.m. noon
Tina Hatem - Demonstration/Project - "Sew a Gift Card Holder Using Backstitch" ~ For many people, sewing something by hand is a scary thought. However, hand stitching is not hard and it just takes a little time to learn. Backstitch is a useful stitch to know because it sews strong seams by hand. As a doll maker, I have sewn entire dolls and their clothes on car rides using backstitch and they look like they were sewn by a sewing machine! In this presentation, we will make a small 3" by 4" cloth holder for a gift card by hand sewing three short seams using backstitch! This presentation is suitable for everyone, as it can be used to make dolls and bears, as well as repairing hems and seams for your own clothes. Everything you need to complete the project will be provided at no cost but if you want to bring your own sewing supplies, please feel free to do so. Join me for a fun session and come away with a useful gift card holder!
11:00a.m.-12:00p.m. noon
Julie Curly - Demonstration - "Magic Tools of a Teddy Artist." ~ Julie shares her background and artistic style, overview of the new author’s techniques based on traditional bear making. She will explain her choice of stuffing; sawdust, wood shavings, wood wool - history, benefits, challenges, new ideas. She shares tips regarding Essential tools, unexpected techniques and secrets for realistic weight, posture, and texture. She will also provide visual examples and live demonstration of stuffing and conclude with sharing resources, inspiration, ideas.
12:00p.m. - 1:00p.m.
Buffet Lunch
1:00p.m. - 2:00p.m. Donna Manthey - Continues "Chasing Chocolate" ~
Come join me! Continued pursuit of "Chasing Chocolate" with new samples from all over the world! Come prepared to participate in a chocolate tasting of 3-4 different varieties of chocolates. A chart will be provided so that you may record your thoughts about their appearance, smell, taste, and texture to share or compare with others sampling the same chocolates. For those who want to participate, there will be games/quiz with prizes, and time for sharing facts/samples of your personal favorite chocolate and chocolatiers.
2:00p.m.- 4:00p.m.
Collectors - Game Time -Get together with fellow collectors and enjoy playing games.
2:00p.m.- 4:00p.m.
Artists Set Up for the Artist Doll & Teddy Bear Show & Sale
5:00p.m. - 6:00p.m.
5:30p.m. - 7:00p.m.
Embassy Suites Complimentary Evening Reception. (hotel guests must present coupon, 2 beverage limit)
6:00p.m. - 7:00p.m.
Convention registrants have early access to the ballrooms where leading artists have their latest creations on display and for sale – a wonderful collection of artist dolls and teddy bears.
7:00p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
Buffet Dinner
Saturday, May 3
6:30 -9:30am
EMBASSY SUITES MADE TO ORDER BREAKFAST (for hotel guests only, must present coupon or room key)
9:30a.m. - 10:00a.m.
Artist Show & Sale Preparation
Artists access sales rooms to prepare for the Show & Sale before opening to the public.
Artist Doll & Teddy Bear Show & Sale
Admission to the public is free. Free will donations accepted for Endangered Species.
Lunch on your own. For a quick lunch you can grab a sandwich or salad from the hotel's market.
Time to be determined
GBW Gifting of Teddy Bears
Terrie Stong
This has become an annual event+ that Terrie Stong from Good Bears of the World will be gifting cases of teddy bears to the local Police Department. You are invited to attend this special event in the hotel lobby for the men and women of law enforcement who so often are called upon to comfort children who need a little love and hugs. Policemen, firemen, emergency workers and grief counselors agree that the teddy bear's magical healing power is invaluable when given to children and their families in traumatic situations.
5:30p.m. - 7:00p.m.
Embassy Suites Complimentary Evening Reception.
(hotel guests must present coupon, 2 beverage limit)
6:30p.m. - 8:30p.m.
Buffet Dinner, Award Ceremony and Closing Ceremony
To wind up the convention, the recipients of Philadelphia's People's Choice awards, based on your judging of the "Enchanted ForestThe Bucket List Gallery" Friday evening, will be announced. Bring your cameras for taking pictures of those at your dinner table, the award winners, and your favorite artists and new friends so you can share your experiences with those back home. Table centerpieces, that have been created and donated by our attending artist, will be raffled off this evening. Each attendee will receive one (1) raffle ticket free of charge to place in the bag of their choice. Additional raffle tickets will be available and sold at 3 tickets for $5. You must be present to win!